I saw this on one of my favorite sites:
Sheri at Shades of Pink and thought it was worth trying. Please let me know if you are doing it too and I will check your site everyday.
Happiness Is......
August 1 ~ Having a director's meeting for Awana means it is starting soon! I love my Chums!
August 2 ~ My dad is having a pretty good day today...thank you Lord for that!
August 3 ~ Registering kids for school! Happy days are coming soon!
August 4 ~ Having a much needed date with my wonderful husband!
August 5 ~ Having a Saturday completely to myself and getting some much needed paperwork done without interruption! May not sound like happiness to you, but I smiled the whole day through!
August 6 ~ Receiving unexpected gifts and cards from friends at church!
August 7 ~ Turning "42"! More friends stopping by bearing gifts. I'm starting to get a little embarrassed by all the attention, but I eat it up as it won't last much longer ;o) My husband and I went on another date to Romano's Macaroni Grill and Stone Cold Creamery! Major Yumminess!!
August 8 ~ Realizing that I didn't gain any weight from last night. I was good and it paid off. Yea!!
August 9 ~ Having a rough day, but knowing that the Lord is there right beside me to help me through this struggle!
August 10 ~ Having survived yesterday without a scratch, so to speak. Thank you Lord for your many blessings. I also started my own site today!
August 11 ~ My husband cooking tonight and made a wonderful Lemon Meringue Pie that I can have on my diet! Also made a delicious low-cal chicken dish. Yum!
August 12 ~ My precious children offering to clean the house. They swept, they mopped, they dusted, they got grossed out by the science experiments in the fridge, they listened and obeyed my commands :o)
August 13 ~ Feeling like going to both the morning and evening service! We had a wonderful speaker that will be on his way to Scotland come Wednesday. And my bestest friend giving me a birthday gift! Thank you, Karen!
August 14~ Having lunch with my dear friends from Pennsylvania and then returning home to have a beautiful floral bouquet delivered for a belated birthday present. Thank you!
August 15 ~ 100 calorie pack snacks! What a treat when your watching calories, but crave something sweet. I have to say the Oreos are my favorite!
August 16 ~ Getting to spend a long leisurely lunch with my two best friends with no interruptions!
August 17 ~ A new box of Crayola crayons - the BIG 128 pack :o) Even at 42, I still love to color!
August 18 ~ I found my book I was looking for and I went out last night and got a new "do" and I love it! Happiness and Joy :o)
August 19 ~ Listening to my husband sing "I Will Be There" at a friend's wedding, but knowing that he is singing it to me!
August 20 ~ Hearing the best sermon preached in many years. I love a preacher that is not afraid to step on toes and preaches the truth! AMEN!
August 21 ~ Having a good hair day ;o)
August 22 ~ Planning a vacation with my husband!
August 23 ~ When I turn on the christian radio station and they are playing 4Him. They are my absolute favorite!
August 24 ~ Finding a nice Grand Am at a reasonable price for my daughter, Kara. When we are patient the Lord does provide, doesn't he Kara?
August 25 ~ My husband. He's been doing all the cooking lately and he is so creative in the kitchen. He helps me stay on my diet, but still enjoy the most delicious food I've eaten ever. Seriously, he should open his own restaurant!
August 26 ~ A rainy day. Being able to stay inside and read all the blogs I want!
August 27 ~ A family day! Going to church, having lunch out and then shopping for everyday things, but having great conversations while we do it!
August 28 ~ Having a picnic lunch and good fellowship with my friends Bridget and Marcia!
August 29 ~ Receiving so many comments on my blog. I didn't realize how encouraging they would be! I will make sure and comment on other sites I read now. Thank you new friends!
August 30 ~ Making hotel reservations for our 22nd anniversary! Only 9 more days!!!
August 31 ~ Having lunch with my wonderful husband, my bestest friend and her sweet husband! What a way to end the month. I love you guys!