
You Can't Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

You've all heard that saying right? Well, maybe we can't teach an old dog new tricks, but they can certainly teach themselves a new one! Yep, you guessed it! Sneaky little dog tried it again last night, but this time she went to the refrigerator for I am assuming a dish of ice cream! My hubby was there to witness it and we all had a good laugh!

My daddy is still having a rough time and not responding. His blood pressure is very, very low. The hospice nurse said we didn't need to be concerned. She said that since dad lays all day and doesn't move it's okay for his blood pressure to be so low, which by the way is 75/40. I am still concerned though and so is mom, naturally. I just wish he was able to let us know what was wrong. Maybe he doesn't even know. Please keep him in your prayers!

I am bracing myself for winter to hit later this week. I am not looking forward to the snow this year. I am just so afraid of slipping on the ice and breaking a hip or two. I guess I will just take it one small step at a time!

Now here is a very random fact, but I was thinking about it this morning and it's kinda cool. My husband's grandmother sold blank sheet music to George Bennard. Who is that you ask! He wrote that beautiful hymn The Old Rugged Cross. I dunno, I just think it's pretty neat that she met him!

I suppose tonight we will go home and have another few games of Scrabble. We all stayed up again last night until after 11:00. My poor kids are going to be exhausted at school today. Maybe will only stay up until 10:30 tonight ;o)

I better hush and get on Quickbooks and learn a thing or two today! Sending hugs to anyone that reads this far!!

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