
Whuuut? Not Again!

I promise not to carry on, but would you please keep me in your prayers. I am so happy I was able to go to church on Sunday, but I have come down again with something! My throat is killing me, my head is pounding and I have another temperature. It's not too high though, only 100.3.

My immune system is weak naturally because I have arthritis. I am assuming that having two major surgeries in two months would also contribute to it. Plus on top of that staying home for the most part for the last ten months I haven't been able to build my system up. Am I even making sense? You know what I mean, don't you?

I'll admit I did cry this morning. I was so sad because tonight is Awana and I can't go. I've only been able to go once since it started in September. And yes, I am being whiny and feeling sorry for myself. I guess it's because I just don't understand why I have to be sick today. Couldn't it have waited until tomorrow? I just really wanted to go to Awana tonight. I love those girls so much! There is a reason why I am not there. Not sure what it is though.

I promise to be good. I am blessed beyond measure and I will focus on that!

My heart goes out to Donny and his family on the loss of their father yesterday. It brings back so many memories of my dad. It's not easy.

Today is my mom's 72nd birthday. Her first one without dad. She went out to the cemetery today and took fresh flowers. I don't know how you feel about it, but I'm not one to visit cemeteries. To me, my dad is not there. He is in Heaven! But I don't know how I would be if my own husband passed away. I know it brings my mother comfort and that's what is important.

I sure don't want this post to sound so solemn. It's not doom and gloom around here! Let me think of something funny or good to tell before I sign off for the night...

I'm looking around my room right now and all I see is one stuffed giraffe after another! I know I am 43 years old, but people love to give me giraffes. My dresser looks like that of a young girl with all her stuffed animals. How can I part with them? I have a niece (born on my birthday) that is really good at the claw machines. Every Christmas I get at least three giraffes that she has won for me. And they are actually very cute! And then there's one from my dad that I will never get rid of. And then I have several from the little girls at Awana. Nope. I don't care how old I get, I'm keeping all of them!

Are you still here? Boy are you a glutton for punishment! I so need to quit rambling and get on with it. LOL!

Let me think of a question for the few that stop by. Oh! I have one.....

We all make mistakes in the kitchen at one time or another. What is one of yours?

I wanted to impress my boyfriend and make him his favorite casserole. It had a couple cans of soup and called for cornstarch to thicken it up. I had never used cornstarch before in my life. I kept adding a little bit and it never thickened up. I eventually added the entire box! It was still soupy, but I decided to bake it anyway. When it came out of the oven it looked beautiful and it was no longer soupy. Yay for me! We sat down to eat and when he put the spoon in the casserole to get a serving the spoon actually bent! It was so thick he had to get a knife and cut it. LOL!! And you know what? He married me anyway!


Faith said...

I'm so sorry to hear you are still ill. I will keep praying for you! My kitchen goof was when i was a newlywed someone gave me a wonderful bread pan, with a recipe for a bread i can't even remember now. But i do remember that the recipe said 1 c. baking soda. So...being not a very experienced baker, I did exactly what the recipe called for. needless to say: when I served some nice warm bread from the oven for my hubby, we both gagged and wondered why we could only taste baking soda. I showed him the recipe and he said "honey, usually baking soda is only like 1 tsp" I called his mom to ask as she is an awesome baker and yup! should have read 1 tsp not 1 cup! It is funny now...not so funny then as I so wanted to impress my groom!

SandyCarlson said...

My mistake would actually be going into the kitchen. Better to have all the right restaurants on the cell phone address book and dial away!

Hope you feel better!

Heather said...

I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling up to things, I hope that you feel better soon!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. Hope this latest bug leaves soon and you start feeling much better. Take care and drink lots of liquids and get rid of that nasty bug.

Loved your kitchen story, so cute and funny :)

Take care and feel better!

Unknown said...

Oh Amy,
I'm so sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well.

I kinda had the same thing happen to me. I was only 17, and I wanted to make lunch for me and my boyfriend. The only thing I really knew how to make was a grilled cheese, and I knew he loved bacon, SO I made the bacon (which was chewy) and thought it would be a good idea to grill the sandwhich in the bacon grease, talk about a greasy sandwhich. And he still married me. He teases me to this day about it too. :)

Take it easy!

Ally said...

Sorry to hear about your low day. Thought your goof in the kitchen was a good idea. Sadly right now, I can´t think of one...but I am sure there have been... I think I hve just blocked them from my memory!!!