13 Reasons Why I Am Happy, Blessed & Thankful
1. My MIL had knee replacement surgery yesterday and she is doing fan.tas.tic!! I've had both my knees replaced and it was a very painful surgery. Mom is one tough cookie bcause she has only used her morphine drip a few times! Can you believe that? I am thrilled she is doing so well. I couldn't have asked for a better MIL. She loves me like one of her own.
2. I've discovered a new blog this morning and I fell in love with her instantly. Kimmie has six children and wants more. She has a heart for adoption and is open to God's calling. She writes beautifully and I can't wait to go back for another visit and read all her posts. I give you permission to leave this post and go say hello and see her beautiful kids. Go on, I don't mind!
3. I got lots of hugs yesterday just when I needed them most! Thank you friends!
4. My SIL came to see me yesterday. She was in town for her mom's surgery. She's been fighting breast cancer since the beginning of this year. She's lost her gorgeous red hair but she looks really, really good. She's always been there when I needed someone to talk to and I had a chance to share my heart yesterday. She's a great source of encouragment to me and always knows just what to say. Thank you Jesus for sending her just when I needed it most.
5. I'm happy just because the sun is shining, my kids are all peeling wallpaper and we are talking and laughing and remembering funny things we've all done. It's good to be able to laugh at ourselves from time to time.
6. I'm once again thankful that the May Day challenge is not a challenge for me right now. It's been ever so easy to eat healthy and often enough. Food is my source of energy and when I eat right I feel stronger, my skin is prettier and I go to the bathroom a lot more...hehe! TMI.
7. Less than a month until I get my new hip and then maybe only eight weeks after that until I get my other new hip! You put your new hip in, you put your new hip out, you put your new hip in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey.................
8. I know, I know I say this all the time and I'm sure you are tired of reading it BUT...my Blogville friends mean the world to me. You really have no idea how this whole thing has been an encouragement to me. I have met so many wonderful ladies and I can't wait to meet all of you. It may not be on this earth, but boy what a meeting it will be! You'll know me right away because I'll be the one wearing my Donny Osmond concert tee shirt and doing flips and cartwheels and basically showing off!
9. Oh, and I will also be playing drums because down here I can't quite get the hang of it!
10. In all seriousness, I know that I will be on my hands and knees and praising God for all the wonderful things He has done for me. If it weren't for Him I would not survive another day.
11. I'm looking forward to my daughter's 19th birthday tomorrow! I can hardly believe it. She moved in when she was just 3 1/3 years old. She was the tiniest thing. She's only 4' 11" now so she's not that much bigger! She's my little nurse and takes great care of me. Happy Birthday Kara. I love you!
12. Even when I feel like I can't take one more burden I look at these three kids and just get that warm fuzzy feeling inside. I know it's corny, but it's true. God placed His trust in my husband and I to raise these children. I know I've made many mistakes, but the one thing they know more than anything is how much they are wanted and loved and appreciated for who they are. I am blessed beyond measure!
13. I am thankful for the trials that come my way. I'll admit I've been struggling a lot lately. It's not me and my health. That's nothing. I will get better. But I have had a long year of watching others suffer terribly. There are many things I don't understand in this world and maybe I never will, but I have to trust in God and remember that He does know what's best for us. He loves my kids, my father, my mother, my friends more than even me. And boy is that a lot of lovin'!!
What kind of things makes you happy, thankful and feeling blessed?
Sounds like your family is going through a rough patch. You have a wonderful attitude for someone who has so much going on!
My husband most likely has hip replacement in his future. He was dianosed with avascular necrosis in both hips in 2002. He has good days and bad, but we are pretty sure there will be a day when he has a total collapse of one or both of those joints.
Good luck with your hip replacement.
Great list!! Happy TT...
That's a very good list. And if you believe in God than you also believe He doesn't put you in situations you can't handle.
If you have time, I posted 13 All or Nothing Questions today.
Happy TT13!
If you wore your Donny Osmond T-Shirt, I'd know it was your RIGHT away!
Only one month left!Whoo Hoo!
Happy Birthday to Kara!
You sound in better spirits! :)
You mean so much to me too!
Take care and have a great day!
It's always nice to read happy, postive, blogs like this. God has given us so much to be grateful for, huh?
What a nice list..Cant wait to check out kimmie
Im thankful for my Gods unconditional love, my home, job and baby waiting for me in CHina!
Amy, you have the sweetest spirit! Coming here always leaves me counting my own blessings and feeling good. You DO have much to be thankful for -- you're a rich woman in all the ways that count! :)
I may have to steal your TT theme for next week. ;)
oh this was such a wonderful list of things to be thankful for! I loved reading this list, especially after knowing that you weren't feeling the best yesterday! I love your outlook!
Your TT is a wonderful read. It's true: there's always, always something to be thankful for. My 13 simple joys are over at http:annastasa.blogspot.com
Happy TT!
Wonderful T13, so many happy and blessed things here :)
Love your list.......
And yes I will also be next to you playing drums in heaven, Lord knows I can't play them down here. :)
Love your heart for the Lord, imagine enduring hardships with out Him in charge and leading the way.
I just wanted to stop by and let you know I posted the responses to the TT13 All or Nothing Q's, it's up at Any Apples if you wanna take a look.
As I sit here I am crying. My heart has been so heavy all day, with the things going around in my heart and spirit...our adoption to Guatemala going seemingly "belly up." I sat in church and found myself not singing, but silently praying to God to please not let me burst out sobbing...(He knows I've done it before)...I pressed it down, pressed it down...but reading the nice, NICE words you said about me...well it blesses me so. ((hug)))
I needed an upper and some encouragement, thank you for letting God use you to touch me.
my love and MUCH thanks
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
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