Today is the National Day of Prayer.
13 Things I Am Praying For
1. The upcoming election. No matter what my political views are I pray that the right person is elected for our country.
2. My children's future spouses. I started praying for my future son-in-laws and daughter-in-law when we first adopted our kids. It's never to early to pray for this!
3. My friends in Blogville. I love the fact that we can share our requests and it's a privilege to pray for one another.
4. The success of our business. We love what we do, but only if it's the Lord's will.
5. Our pastors and leaders of the church. I know there is a whole lot more to running the church than I will ever know. They need our support and our prayers daily!
6. Our service men and women. So many of them are young and many of them have families that they've left to serve our country. I get choked up thinking about them.
7. My family. All families have problems of some sort. I have lots and lots of people in my family if I count both sides. The older we get the more problems we inherit!
8. My church family. I love each and every one of them. They have been so supportive and encouraging to me over the years. I know they lift me up in prayer daily and that's what keeps me going!
9. This may seem silly to some, but I pray for the little things like a close parking space, a good Kroger ad when I have the money to stock up, and when I'm in the car I pray for just the right song to touch my heart or be just what I need for that moment.
10. I pray for wisdom and words. I don't always know how to handle a situation I am not familiar with. I want to keep glorifying God even when I've been thrown a curve ball.
11. And when I mess up in my life because I haven't been prepared I pray for forgiveness from my Heavenly Father. He always forgives and let's me start fresh!
12. I pray for those that do not know Christ as their own personal Saviour. I know what He's done in my life and I want to be able to share with others if they want to hear!
13. And many times my prayers are just full of praise for the many blessings I am given daily!
Beautiful list, Amy! I have many of those same prayers on my heart, too. :)
Oh Amy...I've gotten so far behind on all my friends. Thank you so much for the way you've so faithfully visited me...and I promise to get better.
I swear, I'm up to my you know what in monkeys, but I think when I get them done, I'll be back on board. I may even actually bake some cookies and "gasp" clean my house!
What a wonderful list and good reminders.
Great prayer points.
Blessings in Christ--
Wonderful list Amy!
You are in my prayers too! :)
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