When It's Time To Change
My "exciting" news was that I changed to a new blog! Many of you are computer savvy. I am not. So this new blog was a big deal to me because it meant that I was learning how to do it all by my lonesome!!
So please change your links to the new one and come see me!
See you over there!!
I'll Be Back!
Not a day goes by that I don't think of all my wonderful friends!
Hugs to one and all! Pass 'em around why don't ya?
Friday Already?!!
251. Our wonderful new neighbor came over and helped my son and husband with the trees that had fallen due to the storms last Friday. He's an older gentleman and could only work for a short spell because of health issues. We worried about him because we don't know him yet. He wanted to help so badly. Bless his heart!
252. Even though gas prices has hit an all time high around here ($4.19), I know we are still blessed. Other countries have been paying more for a really long time. I try to remember this each time I fill up my van for $68!
253. Each week I am so thankful and blessed with our pastor. I never walk away from a sermon without a challenge. And he knows how to teach us so well that the young ones sit up, listen and understand and the more seasoned folks are learning and being fed as well. And as far as his counseling goes? I feel so comfortable talking with him and his wife about anything and everything. I feel the love, people!
254. Blessed that our air conditioning is working again!! It was getting rather hot and sticky in the house I will admit. An even bigger blessing was that it turned out to be a circuit breaker thingy on the outside unit. My hubs didn't know there even was one out there!
255. Ice was a huge blessing this week! We bought several big bags and just kept munching on ice cubes to keep cool. We were a noisy family with all the crunching, but it worked!
Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?
I am definitely one that sees the glass as half full. The way I see it is God only gives you what you can handle and provides a way to get through it. And I can always, always think of someone in worse situations than me. Now having said this I don't want people to think I don't ever complain or say ~ why?~ because I am not perfect. Close though. Just kidding!
What is your favorite color of ink to write with?
Well if you know me at all you know that I always find a BLUE pen to write with with a medium point. But when I am feeling girly I like to get out the pretty gel pens and write with all the different shades of pinks, purples, greens and blues!
How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them?
I get a manicure everyday as I sit and bite and pick at my nails when I am bored. Does that count? Not very pretty though!
Main Course
Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it?
YES!!!! On last week's Blessings list I posted about my winning a set of books and some chocolates! I've also won other books before from other bloggers! And a set of candles too!
In which room in your house do you keep your home computer?
We actually don't have a computer at home. Shocker!! I use a laptop at work and if I need at home I have a really cool computer bag to take it home in. It's blue. Just in case you were wondering!
I am not sure why part of my post is so huge. I can't seem to figure out how to fix it! Sorry about that.
Loving Life

Can I tell you how much I am enjoying this GOR-JA-MOUS day? It is perfect outside! Temp is in the low 80's with a slight breeze and some big, white, fluffy clouds in the sky. I LOVE days like today!!
I notice I am much happier on days like this. I work at a desk all day long with a shop full of young men and my husband. I listen "guy" talk from nine in the morn until seven at night. Don't get me wrong...they watch their language and are very respectful. It's just that they talk cars non-stop. This can get old after awhile!
I love the boys though. They call me Shop Mom! I love it. I keep a candy jar full of their favorite treats. They "let" me mother them and tell them to be careful. I give them advice on love and dating. And they listen, which is always nice.
But I do miss having a female around. A girlfriend who can tell by the look on your face that you're stressed or have cramps and don't feel well! Someone who won't look at you strange when you cry at the drop of a hat because you're being pulled in every direction and you can't do it all!
Thank you my Blogvillians for listening to me when I needed such a friend! I want to be there for you too. I appreciate all the personal emails I receive from you all. I know what busy schedules we all keep so it means a lot when you take the time to write!
I love you all and I pray that this day finds you happy and enjoying life!
Evolution of Dance
In my world laughter is important! I can be in pain (like today) and be a tad bit irritable, but when I watch stuff like this I cannot help but break out into an obnoxious loud laugh with a snort or two!
I know you'll be saying to yourself, "I remember that, and that, oh and that one too!" If you haven't seen it before it's worth watching. For the memories and definitely for the laughs. Go get someone to watch it with you so you can laugh together!
Have a wonderful day filled with love and laughs!
I Needed This!
We had a horrible storm in Indiana last Friday. PTL we haven't had much flooding!
I live in a VERY woody neighborhood. After checking my mom's house for damage we went home. Out of all the houses in the neighborhood we were the only ones to have some damage. In our front yard we lost a beautiful pear tree. It looked like someone picked it from the stem and laid it there. And the sad thing is there is a nest full of baby Robins. I cry just thinking about them.
And in our backyard we lost a HUGE oak tree. PTL again that it didn't hit our home. It only took out the dog run, which we no longer need because our Woo is well behaved!
Anyway, this little boy is from Lafayette, Indiana which is only 20 miles from where I live. I'd heard about this on the news, but never got to actually see it. I love YouTube! This just made me giggle all day long! I'm immature to say the least.
Fill Her Up Friday!
246. I entered this contest with encouragement from Marina and I learned that I won!! Yay 4 me!! I didn't win the autographed book, but I won ALL 3 books from the series. And get this...I also won some....teehee...dare I say it.....chocolate!!!! Be still my heart. I cannot wait to sink my teeth in the books. Ha! You thought I was going to say chocolate, didn't ya? Admit it. If you're nice to me maybe I will share!
247. I was able to go to my niece and nephew's graduation open houses. It's nice to see so many people at each of them. I love to see friends and family supporting young people that are going off to start a new life for themselves. You know the kids are excited to go to college, but I know with these two there is also a sense of nervous anticipation as they leave their families. We should all remember to be praying for the college students.
248. This may not sound like a blessing, but it is to me. I take so many things for granted. Our air conditioning went out at home and we have no money to fix it. It has been in the high 80's and 90's this week too! While I am lying in bed all sticky even though I just took a cool shower I am thankful for the roof over my head and all the "stuff" that surrounds me.
249. I had a good doctor's visit with my rheumatologist. I am desperately trying to get off prednisone, but every time I taper down a wee bit it throws me into a flair up. She's giving me some ideas to try so I can get off this nasty medicine! I am thankful for her because she truly listens and she truly wants the best for me.
250. Money was super tight this past week. As in - no money. Literally. I had to borrow money from my daughter to put gas in the car. Our customer was way over due on his payment so we ran out of money. Anyway, the blessing is that we saw that we could live on no money for a week (except for the gas). We became very creative with the things we needed and we managed to clean out some of the shelves in the cupboard! This also helped me just give the money situation completely over to God. Which was not easy I admit! Well, yesterday the one customer finally paid and our other customer sent his payment in two weeks ahead of time!
When you drink soda/pop/coke, do you prefer to drink it from the bottle, a can, or after pouring it into a cup?
I prefer to lick it up...like a kitty. Meow! Actually I have a hard time holding things so I prefer my drinks in a styrofoam cup with a straw and a lid. Because I also tend to spill a lot. You just can't take me anywhere!
What television show are you willing to stay up late to watch?
Name one person, place, or thing you think of as brilliant.
Main Course
Would you be willing to work 4 10-hour days instead of 5 8-hour days in order to save gas?
We own our own shop and kinda have to be here six days of the week. I would love to be able to work four days a week. That sounds lovely! But nope. Gas around town right now is $3.86! It has actually gone down a few cents. Yippeeeee!!
If you were a superhero,what would you call yourself?
Good question! Hmmm, I would call myself Bionic Blue. I have many replacement joints which makes me bionic and of course, my most favoritest color in the whole world is BLUE!!!
I can hear your cries now ~ "Bionic Blue, I've fallen and I can't get up! Please help!"
Yep, that's my new alter ego!